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Riding the Anthropocene
An Inquiry into the Ecologies of Mountain Biking
International Seminar. 14 may 2024. Barcelona
This seminar aims to delve into the intricate relationship between mountain biking and natural areas, examining both the ecological consequences and the socio-cultural dynamics surrounding this activity in today’s Anthropocene scenario. The change of habits of the population along with the disruption of different technological changes – electric motor propulsion, hydraulic brakes, safety elements – have facilitated the rise of mountain biking in natural areas. However, its popularity raises concerns about potential impacts on the delicate ecosystems, adding more pressure and difficulty to comply with the conservation objectives of natural areas but also among the different uses such as other recreational and economical activities. Most of these disputes have overflowed scientific and technical discussions and have become public issues, provoking the emergence of new voices and new relationships turning the elements of the debate and the issues at stake more heterogeneous and difficult to disentangle.
- To explore the new trends of mountain biking practices, specially related with digital and technological mediations.
- To explore the recreational benefits of mountain biking and its contribution to promoting physical activity, mental well-being, and community engagement.
- To analyze ecological impacts of mountain biking on in natural areas such as soil erosion, vegetation and fauna disturbance and forest and agricultural economic activities such (livestock, forestry, etc.).
- To examine existing policies and regulations governing mountain biking in natural parks and identifying the main controversies but also best-practices in balRiding the Anthropocene – CiMColl Seminar Programancing conservation and recreation.
- To reveal the role of sustainable trail design, management practices in mitigating the environmental effects of mountain biking in the Anthropocene.
- To discuss strategies for balancing the preservation of natural ecosystems with the recreational demands of mountain biking practitioners.
You can download here the entire program here: Riding the anthropocene. Seminar Program
The seminar is an open public funded event and is free of charge. However, there is a limit of attendees (15) and a registration is needed in order to keep a capacity control.
Please, fill the registration form.
This seminar is organized by:
CiMColl research project
In collaboration with:
ANTERRIT. Department of Geography, University of Barcelona (UB).
Cultures of Mountain Biking (COMTB) research group.
Institut d’Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC). Universitat de Lleida (UdL)
Supported by
Ajuntament de Barcelona. Pla Barcelona Ciència. Recerca Jove i Emergent 2022.
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